P302Rivals Football - Everton FC
by Mr_T, 08/02, 14:34

fooking shoite


by Wolfstein @, 08/02, 17:12 @ Mr_T


You must get lonely in here feller?

I'm just wandering around hyper-space waiting for a chance to re-register at Blaukopf.

Is that an echo, echo, echo, echo????????

by Mr_T, 08/02, 19:34 @ Wolfstein

He won't let me back for some reason so I stopped trying months ago

I don't even know why I was banned I never fell out with anyone

Anyway I like it here it's a better set up just needs more posters

The Chelsea board is busy on here some decent sorts over there ex rivals most of them

by Rez, 08/02, 20:41 @ Mr_T

This is a better board... No idea why they stay over there?

I mean look ----> [brows]

by shed69, 08/02, 20:56 @ Rez


by Mr_T, 09/02, 09:09 @ Rez
