P302Rivals Football - Everton FC
Stats for this place
by top_balcony, 15/08, 15:57

since the old place went down today...32 users online (8 registered)

Stats for this place
by ThommosSocks, 15/08, 16:00 @ top_balcony

There was only ever than many on the other board once you accounted for all the multiple user names

Stats for this place
by Troop, 15/08, 16:02 @ ThommosSocks

I can confirm this, Tugboat.

Stats for this place
by YMIM, 15/08, 16:04 @ Troop

Pipe down, Brincote.

Stats for this place
by Troop, 15/08, 16:26 @ YMIM

Your username tribute to me has been duly noted, you aching simpleton.

Stats for this place
by syzlack, 15/08, 16:30 @ Troop

So you are NOER then

Stats for this place
by Troop, 15/08, 17:14 @ syzlack

Pipe down, Beale.

Stats for this place
by syzlack, 15/08, 19:50 @ Troop
