Nah, can't be arsed with all soon as it was discovered by certain elements on there it was definitely me, I would be hounded and then get booted off again for just defending myself....thats what happened to my last guise 'Mungo' about two or three years ago.
- Hello? Anyone there? - Aberblue1 14/03, 08:42
- Hello? Anyone there? - Spart 14/03, 10:09
- Hello? Anyone there? - Cesc_pistol 14/03, 10:18
- Hello? Anyone there? - Spart 14/03, 10:30
- Hello? Anyone there? - Cesc_pistol 14/03, 10:44
- Hello? Anyone there? - Spart 14/03, 10:52
- Hello? Anyone there? - Cesc_pistol 14/03, 10:55
- Hello? Anyone there? - Spart 14/03, 10:56
- Hello? Anyone there? - Cesc_pistol 14/03, 11:00
- Hello? Anyone there? - Spart 14/03, 11:04
- Hello? Anyone there? - Cesc_pistol 14/03, 11:04
- Hello? Anyone there? - Spart 14/03, 11:08
- Hello? Anyone there? - Cesc_pistol 14/03, 11:10
- Hello? Anyone there? - Spart 14/03, 11:08
- Hello? Anyone there? - Cesc_pistol 14/03, 11:04
- Hello? Anyone there? - Spart 14/03, 11:04
- Hello? Anyone there? - Cesc_pistol 14/03, 11:00
- Hello? Anyone there? - Spart 14/03, 10:56
- Hello? Anyone there? - Cesc_pistol 14/03, 10:55
- Hello? Anyone there? - Spart 14/03, 10:52
- Hello? Anyone there? - Cesc_pistol 14/03, 10:44
- Hello? Anyone there? - Spart 14/03, 10:30
- Hello? Anyone there? - Cesc_pistol 14/03, 10:18
- Hello? Anyone there? - Cesc_pistol 14/03, 09:13
- Hello? Anyone there? - Meff Stelling 14/03, 09:15
- Hello? Anyone there? - Cesc_pistol 14/03, 09:20
- Hello? Anyone there? - Boom94 14/03, 10:05
- Hello? Anyone there? - Cesc_pistol 14/03, 09:20
- Hello? Anyone there? - Meff Stelling 14/03, 09:15
- Hello? Anyone there? - Spart 14/03, 10:09