P302Rivals Football - Liverpool FC
Full of bad wools on here!
by Chemical Ali, 02/12, 13:27

Cant say i'm surprised, bet you'se all swap photos of Earrings and the latest streaked hair tips yer fcking bad mings.hahaha

Full of bad wools on here!
by Reg_User, 02/12, 15:46 @ Chemical Ali

What do you think a wool is?

Bet you don't know.

Full of bad wools on here!
by Chemical Ali, 02/12, 15:51 @ Reg_User

** Throws stick **

Atta boy, fetch

Baaaaaa baaaaaaaaaa yer fecking beaut

Full of bad wools on here!
by Reg_User, 02/12, 19:18 @ Chemical Ali

Yep, didn't think so.

Thanks for playing.

Full of bad wools on here!
by Chemical Ali, 06/12, 10:36 @ Reg_User

The woolness is oozing out of you lad :-D

Full of bad wools on here!
by Reg_User, 06/12, 11:02 @ Chemical Ali

It's alright - you've already proven what a knob you are - no need to confirm it.

Carry on.

Full of bad wools on here!
by Chemical Ali, 06/12, 17:20 @ Reg_User

But you're still a dirrrrty wool :-D

Full of bad wools on here!
by Reg_User, 06/12, 17:38 @ Chemical Ali

even if you have no idea what a "wool" is eh?


Full of bad wools on here!
by Chemical Ali, 07/12, 12:02 @ Reg_User

Erm ok Olaf :-D As long as weve cleared up the fact your not from Liverpool eh haha
Baaaaa baaaaaa

Full of bad wools on here!
by Reg_User, 07/12, 13:14 @ Chemical Ali

Only in your head little fella - only in your head.

But then again, you actually don't know what a wool is so it's more likely that you're the out of towner in this conversation.

Thanks for playing WOOL!!!!

YFull of bad wools on here!
by Chemical Ali, 08/12, 09:17 @ Reg_User

Oh dear, hahaha

Great reply there softshyte hahaha....WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

YFull of bad wools on here!
by Reg_User, 08/12, 09:39 @ Chemical Ali

Ooohhhh - Avoidance noted, Seems I've hit a nerve eh Wool?


YFull of bad wools on here!
by Chemical Ali, 08/12, 10:11 @ Reg_User

Textbook lid,

How is Ellesmere Port this morning? hahaha fecking Quilt, you been had off wool.

iechyd da Gwynn

YFull of bad wools on here!
by Reg_User, 08/12, 10:41 @ Chemical Ali

Sorry mate - I don't understand your native language so the last line was completely lost on me.

It's alright son, you can support Everton even if you don't come from our City (You'll be able to speak that Yakki Da stuff all you like at Goodison). We've always been a very big mixing bowl of race, religion and culture. We'll adapt to you eventually.

Do you know where Mill road is - do you know a Hospital used to be there?

*That's Mill Road in Liverpool by the way.

YFull of bad wools on here!
by Chemical Ali, 08/12, 10:55 @ Reg_User

Oh god, haha have you just asked your Scouse mate for some local info, what a beaut haha
stop this pretense wool its sickening.
Be proud of you roots, there's some fine places near Deeside ..arf

YFull of bad wools on here!
by Reg_User, 08/12, 11:32 @ Chemical Ali

What a strange accusation - is that what you're doing, asking a true scouse of places you can talk about - but he's f*cked you off because you haven't spoke about anywhere in Liverpool - unless that Welsh language you used was something about it? Perhaps - I don't know, I don't speak that language at all. You on the other hand seem fluent in it as far as I'm concerned. You also seem very aware of the Geography - Deeside? Who knows where that is? Not me Wool. Are the Valleys really that good?

Why are you so embarrassed about coming from Taffy land little fella? There's no shame to it. Be proud of your daffodil, hold that Leak aloft - sing about the valleys. It makes you a Wool but it puts you at home in Goodison with all the other Welshmen.

YFull of bad wools on here!
by Chemical Ali, 08/12, 12:34 @ Reg_User

You are shyt at this lad, i've bullied feck out of you wool, you are not from Liverpool.
Hahaha. get the feck out of my City, we dont like wools:-D

YFull of bad wools on here!
by Reg_User, 08/12, 13:33 @ Chemical Ali

Like I said before - Only in your head, but in your head it tastes nice when you lick windows, in your head you can tie your shoelaces without help, in your head calling someone a Wool is bullying, In your head Being Welsh makes you a true Scouse.

Yakki Dah Taffy.

HAHAHAHA - notice you didn't answer the question about Mill Road eh?


bad wools on here!
by Chemical Ali, 08/12, 13:50 @ Reg_User

What about Mill Road you soft kunt?

You were not born there lad, that is a fecking stone cold fact, you wished you were.

Haha i know being called a wool hurts you lad, but you're in good company on this board,
is there even one scouser on *here?

*Apart from me

Later Geraint yer fecking welsh ming haha

bad wools on here!
by Reg_User, 08/12, 14:11 @ Chemical Ali

Listen Taffy - it doesn't matter how many times you repeat something that is wrong, it doesn't matter how loud you shout it, it doesn't matter how rattled you get - it still doesn't make it a fact. You may not like this simple truth Taffy, but that's the way it is.

Mill Road it is and Mill Road it was. You however have avoided ALL talk of Liverpool locations until you've been able to look it up on Google maps - do you understand that people can see through that Taffy? They can.

Tell me, What Sheep are you lot offering up to the Druids this year Taffy?


bad wools on here!
by Chemical Ali, 08/12, 14:33 @ Reg_User


What locations have i avoided gwynn? you seem rattled lid :-D

Nerve well and truly touched haha...

I'm getting a strong whiff of wool off you la.

Are there many Scousers in Pwhelli? Do you chat shyt to them about how you get ignored at the match because of you're taffy accent? and how you have tried to master the scouse accent!

bad wools on here!
by Reg_User, 08/12, 14:40 @ Chemical Ali

Show me a post where you have brought up a location in Liverpool.

You have one minute to answer - any longer and you will confirm that you had to go to Google Maps to find a location.

Time starts now - 14:40. GO!

Failure to answer will be taken as Proof of your Welshness Taffy boy!

bad wools on here!
by Reg_User, 08/12, 14:47 @ Reg_User


14:47 and still no reply.

Go and confess your sins to the Druids - it'll only involve some minor repentance.

Ahhh well, off to do some work now - Please come back later and keep the smile on my face.


bad wools on here!
by Chemical Ali, 08/12, 16:09 @ Reg_User

What the feck are you on about Gwynne? seriously i have got to you , read through the whole thread, apologies its in Englaish and its not your mother tongue like, but you are just recycling everything i've said to you.Are you disabled?

You keep refering to Google, lad i dont need google, you still could'nt find the Tin mine on Google you soft kunt hahaha.Bad bad freak pretending to be a Scouser.

Go and sow you Joey Jones patch on your Duffle coat you bad tit.

I've wrote you off badly on this thread lad, i'm beggining to feel slighlty sorry for you:-D

Anyway i've got *work to do,speak soon Dafydd, you bad bluffer.


bad wools on here!
by Reg_User, 08/12, 16:30 @ Chemical Ali

HAHAHA Half an hour and still no mention of a location in Liverpool!!!!!


Keep licking the widows Taffy!

bad wools on here!
by Chemical Ali, 08/12, 16:54 @ Reg_User

What fecking location Gwynne?

Your losing it Taff, all you have done is made numerous essays of pure shyte.

Doesnt matter how many times you try and tell me you're from Liverpool, you obviously are not.

Do you want me to give you my fecking address lad? hahaha

You're not from Liverpool so wont have heard of it :-D

Baaa baaa

bad wools on here!
by Reg_User, 08/12, 19:03 @ Chemical Ali

Taffy, you really have to read my posts - I said that it doesn't matter how many times you repeat something that is wrong, it still remains wrong.

You're wrong - I know I've touched a nerve with you and you're Jealous of me being born and bread in Liverpool but just take solace from the fact that Welsh Wales is quite a nice place - It shouldn't take long to get over the time difference between Liverpool and Wales, Just accept that you're 10 years behind and as long as you think you look good in your flares and that tank top then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

bad wools on here!
by Chemical Ali, 11/12, 10:36 @ Reg_User

You've reached a new there lid...Well done hahaha

I've bullied feck out of you, you backtracking gobshyte

bad wools on here!
by Chemical Ali, 11/12, 11:11 @ Chemical Ali
