What locations have i avoided gwynn? you seem rattled lid
Nerve well and truly touched haha...
I'm getting a strong whiff of wool off you la.
Are there many Scousers in Pwhelli? Do you chat shyt to them about how you get ignored at the match because of you're taffy accent? and how you have tried to master the scouse accent!
- Full of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 02/12, 13:27
- Full of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 02/12, 15:46
- Full of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 02/12, 15:51
- Full of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 02/12, 19:18
- Full of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 06/12, 10:36
- Full of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 06/12, 11:02
- Full of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 06/12, 17:20
- Full of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 06/12, 17:38
- Full of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 07/12, 12:02
- Full of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 07/12, 13:14
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 09:17
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 09:39
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 10:11
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 10:41
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 10:55
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 11:32
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 12:34
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 13:33
- bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 13:50
- bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 14:11
- bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 14:33
- bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 14:40
- bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 14:47
- bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 16:09
- bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 16:30
- bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 16:54
- bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 19:03
- bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 11/12, 10:36
- bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 11/12, 11:11
- bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 11/12, 10:36
- bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 19:03
- bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 16:54
- bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 16:30
- bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 16:09
- bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 14:47
- bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 14:40
- bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 14:33
- bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 14:11
- bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 13:50
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 13:33
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 12:34
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 11:32
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 10:55
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 10:41
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 10:11
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 08/12, 09:39
- YFull of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 08/12, 09:17
- Full of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 07/12, 13:14
- Full of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 07/12, 12:02
- Full of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 06/12, 17:38
- Full of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 06/12, 17:20
- Full of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 06/12, 11:02
- Full of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 06/12, 10:36
- Full of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 02/12, 19:18
- Full of bad wools on here! - Chemical Ali 02/12, 15:51
- Full of bad wools on here! - Reg_User 02/12, 15:46